I finally made the move to XT.
This is a picture I took of Paddy.
♥ 1:56 AM
I try, really hard to block you out.
But everythings laced in you.
You, are, everything right now.
♥ 9:30 PM
Theres a possibility I fell for you.
So quickly..
So quickly.
♥ 2:23 PM
Its weird how much things change in time.
How many things happen, that you would never expect.
How much your path can change under your feet.
♥ 5:24 PM
If you're going to be a bitch, delete me all together.
- applies to multiple people
♥ 6:21 PM
Felipe came over for a bit, and when he had to go to work I didn't hug him, and he said 'Oh fine, no hugs then' so I said 'I didn't think we did that anymore' and he mumbled something, so I gave him a hug, and then he kissed me. I like him alot, but it was just 'friendly'
♥ 6:38 PM
I don't know what I want.
I don't know what you want.
What do you want ?
♥ 4:15 PM
I'm sorry if I came across as a heartless bitch last night.
I do care about you, you still do mean alot to me. But I've already been in another relationship since we broke up. You've gotta understand that I am over our relationship. You said we've both changed and so we can try again,but thats the thing, we've both changed. We arnt the same people that were together back then. What would our relationship be based on if we're different people now?
Please understand why I can't be with you. And, I sincerely am sorry bout rubbing that stuff in your face last night. I took it too far.
♥ 4:03 PM
This is the first time I've had to myself since Thursday, it's kind of weird having all this thinking space.
♥ 6:16 PM
LOL Maxine, Don't laugh at yourself.
It was a quality relationship, filled with tonnes of quantity.
''I will learn when I hurt myself''
Scratch that, I'll do it again. (:
♥ 3:53 PM
Things at school that annoy me
- People who ask questions about the things the teacher JUST explained
- People who ask things about stuff we've learnt two consecutive years in a row
- People who say what we're learning about is stupid, when most of it is C.K
- Those who look diss the people who get the answers right cause they couldn't work it out themselves.
- Seniors intimidating me cause I'm friends with the boys that don't like them. (Y)
Things in life that annoy me
- People who ask questions about what you've just told them
- People who still don't understand things after years of learning
- People who say what you're doing is stupid, when its C.K
- Those who diss others for being slightly better than them
- Seniors intimidating me cause I'm friends with the boys that don't like them (Y)
♥ 3:51 PM
Home sweet home ~
So my situation at the moments a little confusing. Yano how I always say 'my parents said we're moving' and then they change their mind again and we actually don't? Well. Now, they've actually sold the house. But they've sold it to a rather wealthy family member, so we're still going to live here until we WANT to MOVE. Confusing much? They've just bought a sleepout and are starting to rip the bathroom apart AGAIN as well, so it's hell confusing what we're up to. Are we staying and renting this place, or are we moving? It's all so unstable because they keep saying that they want to move out of Timaru too, and up til now I've never taken them seriously, but now things are actually happening. I really have no idea where I'm at, and theres no point asking, cause neither do they. My house is such a dump. My family has litterally doubled since we bought this place too so it really doesn't accomidate us at all either.
♥ 8:24 PM
If your parents stood in the way of someone you cared about, would you let them stop you from seeing them? Or would you tell them to get fucked? If you can't tell them to get fucked, would you atleast TRY to find a way around it until it blows over, or would you throw the whole thing away?
If you were feeling down, would you rather sit around alone feeling worse, or would you want to see that person that cheered you up last time from the exsact same situation?
♥ 6:59 PM
Actually. Something that happened today that made me smile;
I logged onto msn and Tyrones p.m was the xbox 360 game he was playing and I commented him saying 'lame' and he knew exsactly what I was talking about. Don't worry, don't worry. I know we don't work. I won't go there, but it made me really happy to know that he still understands the way I think. (:
♥ 6:46 PM
or 59.5468745698 seconds of being upset.
♥ 6:41 PM
I don't know what to write about anymore,
I could write about my fail relationship with my boyfriend who doesn't want to see me, or I could write about my mega-fail family with the ultra-fail house. But either entry wouldn't be what I want to say, nor interesting.
♥ 6:05 PM
Its like im the complete oppisite of my morals now.
♥ 10:23 PM
SUP SLUTS! I learnt to iron.
♥ 6:00 PM
I LEARNT TO SEW. Fuck yeah butches.
♥ 7:11 PM