This is my blog, and i can post whatever the fuck i want.
Didnt need to type bout your sex life?
Yeah didnt need to tell them bout mine either (Y)
[assuming it was you cause only 4 people knew]
♥ 11:02 PM
If you're going to abuse me and say your fist is going to meet my face, please have the right reason for abusing me. I turned your lovely 'sweetie' down for sex. And.. I shave so, i think you might be blaming the wrong person for sending those pictures. (: I dont even have a pxt phone, i rock out a nokia 2125
♥ 4:29 PM
LOL YOU'RE ALL A JOKE.All that shit you're saying bout me at the moment, is all stuff i'v let you know.. So you're not exsactly insulting me by telling me i've had sex ONCE in a bed. Apposed to having your first time with that guy in a van. Or under a BRIDGE.
And telling me i kissed a girl and i liked it?
YES I SURE DID! To be honest Victoria is a really good kisser, and I did quite like her. But calling me lesbo NOW is kinda funny when you just told me im a slut for having sex with a boy?
♥ 4:15 PM
None of you were there, and does it look like Hana Cady is actually fat?
Nope. Sarcasm fuckwhits. The people getting 'insulted' havn't said anything so how bout yous all fuck off?
♥ 4:05 PM
♥ 6:54 PM
I won't mention the ones I failed though :P
♥ 6:49 PM
Dear Santa,
For Christmas could I please have half of my family,
not arguing, and together?
♥ 6:33 PM
♥ 6:45 PM
How do you always manage to get back under my skin ?
♥ 6:44 PM
♥ 6:38 PM
Is it kind of obsessive that I wait up 'til he gets home from being at a party or such, and won't go to bed until he comes online to say goodnight?
♥ 7:50 PM
I like it when I look at my phone
and think 'why the hell am I not texting you?!'
and go straight to 'T' in my contacts
♥ 7:47 PM
I told you word for word what he said
and you don't believe it?
You're mad he told me
when you asked me to speak to him.
Are you embaressed I knew first?
♥ 7:11 PM

Thankyou for waiting around and taking me back everytime i change my mind. Thankyou for putting up with me bitching bout everything you do that i think is wrong and never complaining bout how hypercritical i can be. For putting up with my ever going mood swings, and my teasing. For not hurting me back when i hit you and dropping everything to be with me. Thankyou for not having a spaz when i shut you down or taking my mean comments seriously, and most of all thank you for choosing me.
♥ 5:42 PM
AND AGAIN! She looks so happy. I love how we're fully sibblings yet we don't really look all the same.
♥ 4:22 PM
I don't wanna ever! ever be a lady.
♥ 5:18 PM
I'll give you my world
if you promise to keep it spinning.
♥ 5:17 PM
hypoc'risy, n. pretence of being good or virtuous; pretence, sham.
♥ 3:17 PM
And when we kissed,
irl fireworks went off
Thats what I call special...
♥ 10:08 PM
and somebody tells you they love you
you're gonna believe them
So when your fifteen
how you believe in yourself?
♥ 12:24 AM