FcUk hAPpiN3sS.
It never lasts more than enough to satisfy.
♥ 10:34 PM
My education has taught me well,
but I don't know nothing bout life.
♥ 3:20 PM
whisper soft, whisper low
tell me things I shouldn't know,
with you I want to grow.
♥ 6:39 PM
Im sure we'll grow, but we'll never bloom again
♥ 12:49 AM
Our luck changed, I dont know why
Dont know when, I wonder where we would end up
If we could start again..
♥ 12:47 AM
no difference will devide,
♥ 2:56 PM
FINALLY! I've worked it out,
writing / photography combined, that should work right?
♥ 2:49 PM
Please let this be the wish that comes true.
♥ 8:38 PM
Days like today,
the kind where I get home and nobodys here,
wondering where everyone is, to find they're in hospital.
These happen far to frequently.
♥ 8:37 PM
And most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room, and never feeling the rest of my whole life
the way I feel when I'm with you.
♥ 8:10 PM
So it's not gonna be easy,
its gonna be really hard.
We're gonna have to work at this everyday,
but I want to do that because I want you.
I want all of you, forever.
You and me, everyday.
♥ 7:28 PM
Take a chance, the air will comfort you.
♥ 2:43 PM
Always looking out for each other.
♥ 2:38 PM
Ha! That umbrella really did give me my badluck!
♥ 10:20 PM
I know you remember that day too..
Sitting in the freezing cold,
the spitting rain,
just talking, like nothing had changed.
I miss how we used to be.
♥ 10:10 PM
Parents teach us alot as we grow up.
I've been taught its not okay to hit people,
we have to respect others, and yourself.
I've learnt its not right to cheat on partners,
that if we're mad we cant take it out on others.
Also that drugs are bad, we CANNOT take them.
But, the biggest lesson I've learnt from my father is,
that these rules only apply if you're child, partner or friend.
Neighbours make awesome beating poles,
along with your partner and children.
Garages are freaking awesome selling places,
and hey! a fifteen year old girl isn't going to argue back.
♥ 9:46 PM

I hope you's know that
i do try to be a good friend to you's.
♥ 8:24 PM
Girls are becoming more and more atractive each day..
♥ 4:36 PM
I am inside your head,
now I'm inside your mouth,
I will use you,
I am inside your head,
you try to get me out,
but I consume you
♥ 5:32 PM
I am a village person. YMCA
♥ 8:11 PM
A mere friend will agree with you,
but a real friend will argue.
♥ 8:05 PM
i dare you to keep walking,
even if the path has run out.
♥ 8:00 PM
I love how it's always my fault.
Why don't I stick to my head?
Instead of following my hearts wishfuless.
♥ 9:08 PM
I've decided I don't want to be human anymore.
♥ 12:37 PM
Almost everyone fucking fails.
♥ 8:48 PM
My faultsI don't explain things
My loud outbursts
''What the hell?!''
Scratch too often
My lazy eye
I can't play sport
Dye my hair too often
My boyfriend sucks
Like people to easy/often
I'm hypercritical
I laugh at retards
Right too many class notes
I can't cook omletes
I don't sleep
I don't know my own sexuality
Never know what to wear
My mood swings
Never keep room tidy
Don't text Mikaela back
I can be embaressing.
I'm a gimp
What makes me awesomeI have almost perfect teeth
Awesome facial expressions
Camera whore
I'm a cool BFFL
I do good blogs
I correct my lies
I keep secrets
I listen to Rubie
Good music taste
Make mean mac & cheese
I'm good at drawing
I do funny/stupid stuff
Mean to people we dont like
Im brainy
I drive a tractor
I can be honest.
(courtesy of Rubie, Mikaela & Jessie)
♥ 4:01 PM
No promises, no opologies.
♥ 3:47 PM
4th September.
This is a personal reminder about a date,
Two things happened,
& iv gotta promise myself,
never ever to forget.
p.s - Dont let people in.
♥ 10:33 PM

Rubie! You're my favourite person in the whole entire world, noone compares with you. You're amazing, and really anything and everything someone could want/need in a friend. You're always there, no matter what, and thats terific cause i need you alot. I love hanging out with you too, whether its mucking around town or just chilling at home baking or whatevs, you're so fun and always put me in a better mood!. Theres not a single thing you don't get about me, even if i dont get it myself, and i know i can tell you anything and you wont judge me for it or think less of me., and theres not one thing I'd change about you. Youve been there for me so many times, even when we wernt getting along as well so thankyou so much for putting up with all my drama. We fight like a couple! thats pretty unique.. But, yes thankyou for being such an incredible friend, i love you!
♥ 6:20 PM