Your face when your sad, How we slow dance to no music, The way you smell, When you tell me I'm beautiful, How you always make me laugh, How you tell me things you wouldn't tell anyone else, How my head rests perfect on your shoulder, When i make funny faces at you, How I feel so comfortable around you, Ignoring your party just to hold me, Wearing your tool hoodie, You're the most honest person I know, Debating whether ipod or mp3 is better, That time you told me you'd be here for me forever and ever, Movie-Marathons in the weekend, How my mum likes you, How you get so jealous of other guys Im friends with, You're so hard to talk to, but i still want to., Telling you its my fav subject then not helping you with homework, You're so sweet to me, Your voice impersonations, Promising to be each other's forever, When we interlock fingers, Your abilty to open up, When you itch my itchy spots, How you take me to family things, When you call me your missus, That time we got soooo sunburnt, When you lay on me like a pillow, When you tell me you love me, When you kiss me, it's the most amazing thing in the world, How you cuddle your cat even though your alergic , How you always take me back, How you're so gentle with me, Your face when you muck up. The night we met, you made me feel nice. You always know exactly how to make me feel better, Making me excited. How you wear the tshirt i ruined to make me laugh, How you play guitar, How you stay with me until im ready to sleep THEN go out, How I'm always thinking about you, When i wait for you at your house when your out, Burnt pizza because i distracted you, How i liked coming to your rugby games, When you shave 4 me when your in a beard growing competition, When i lick your face, How you try to cook for me , When you come over for dinner and i tease you bout it looking like real food, How I know I'm the luckiest girl yet, Slow dancing with you at raves, How it's impossible to stay mad at you, The look on your face when i tease you, The way you hold me when we cuddle up, Hugs from behind, When you cried when i cried