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March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jessie, your right in some respects.
We're happy, we get disappointed,
and then we build ourselves back up.

Heres my positive for the month.

We wouldnt know what its like to be healthy if we were never sick.
We would never know what happiness was, if we were never sad.
We cannot always have just one emotion.
We need to be sad, we need to be confused. We need to be angry & we need to sometimes feel rejected. its the way the world turns, though we need moderation between them all. We need the different things to even it all up, so we know the difference between being suprised and being disapointed.

my point im trying to illustrate is that your right, we cannot always be totally 100% happy, but that is only because we've been given the gift of having feelings, so that we can love, & hate. So we can all be human, not clones.

1:40 AM

Monday, April 20, 2009

Its weird, i despise sharing.
Yet im willing to give you everything

1:29 PM

Dictionary Definition : Love
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, desire.

Dictionary Definition : Lust
an overwhelming desire or craving; intense eagerness

- For me, theres a very thick line seperating the two,
Lust is in the mind, Love is in the heart; in your gut.

12:15 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

You can't fall if your already down.

10:21 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

I seen Jessie wrote a blog bout her ambitions bout being a physciatrist, a lawyer & someone like Newton & the other smart maths guy, so i thought id put mine down too. I have mine on bebo, but http://www.blogger.com/ is some much cooler and meaningful.

The main things i wanna revolve my life around are,
writing / cooking /& photography.
but with much cooler detailed names.
The main reason i wanna do these things are ....

  • Cause they keep me sane. Nothing else can get to me when I'm doing these things cause they keep my mind focused on the task and i dont have to think about anything else..
  • No one can tell me that I'm doing it wrong, or that i need to be better, its my own work.
  • Its a way of expressing how i see the world. People might not understand the essence of how i see things.. but its my own vision and I believe I can make and impact.

I would also, not as a career but just when i have spare time.. like to do something with dancing/choreographing (even though im hopeless) & designing. I realise i cant sew for shit, but hey i can just do mock up's by hand and make my new BFFL, Beau sew them up all niftily (; im not sure... i just really wanna make something of myself.

Ambitions from the above topic's equal

  1. Write a book. Or something amazing in litature
  2. Create an amazing dish the world will know me for
  3. Have my own gallery of photos in amazing prints (:

One day, i will be extraordinary.

6:31 PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

People aren't who they say they are, or who they once were, without even realizing, everyone eventually grows up and becomes a shadow of who they used to be.

10:10 PM

Iv sacrificed so much, i forgot who i am. Every morning, your picture imprinted in my mind reminds me how much youv meant to me, I can't stop thinking. I try to forget everything. What your favourite things are, who you are, who you want to be. Your smile, your scent, your voice. All I want is for you to want me back and have that feeling you once gave me months ago, but things had to change, didnt they? I didnt realise, but iv changed my outlook on life. I guess, while i was away changing, so did you.
I know that just 2 months ago i would'a dropped everything for you. I could just be with you, and forget everything else. Nothing else mattered at all. Oh how time seems to go by so quickly when youv got nothing wrong.

9:53 PM

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people the right to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

9:43 PM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

1. To entertain or indulge hope; to cherish a desire of good, or of something welcome, with expectation of obtaining it or belief that it is obtainable; to expect; -- usually followed by for. "Hope for good success."

2. Koolkid since 1994, my bestfriend since 1997.

So, iv this bestfriend yeah? Her names Hope. Shes been my bestfriend since kindy and during primary school we were pretty much glued to the hip. I'd stay at her house almost every weekend, and i pretty much grew used to her house being my second home. At one point i actually stayed at her house for almost 2weeks in a row. We did everything together. Her family, was my family and i could tell Hope anything. In year5 we both changed schools due to the merging but we both kept in contact and stil hung out all the time. During year 7&8 we kind of went our own ways, but even with us in different clicks at school, she knew her friendship meant the world to me and that she'd still always be my bestest friend, she was like my sister and that was just the way god wanted it to be, my blessing in disguise. At the end of primary school Hope was constantly feeling quite sick, and she was missing alot of school, but i didnt really think much of it, and carried on my day as usual. Then we started highschool! We wernt in any of the same classes except for dance, so we really only talked in corridoors and in dance classes and even then it was only really a few words exchanged. After awhile i noticed that Hope was coming to fewer and fewer dance classes so i finally asked what was up, and she just said she was feeling sick and tired all the time so i said i hoped she'd feel better soon and left it at that. A month or two had passed, and when i got to school a class friend ran up to me as soon as i popped my head round the corner of the prefabs and she said Maxine! Julie was talking to my mum this morning.. and instantly i burst into tears. That was how i had found out about the possibility of Hope having cancer. After hearing this i instantly txtd my mum and asked her to get me Ross's number so i could see how he was going and ask him to update me on any news. I think it was the next day that he told me Hope had leucemia and i was hysterical, not just for my own feelings, but for my second familys as well. Itd only been a wee while but the news had spread and everyone was sending their best wishes and gifts to Hope and all we could do was hope for the best. That was a few months ago. Now, in April, Hopes finished her big blocks of treatment and is now only having to have treatment once a month, and is really positive about her outcome. Newspapers have done write ups about Hope, and her picture has been placed over the front cover, with her big cheesy smile spreading smiles of 'hope' on the readers.
, to be honest, i was REALLY scared about asking Hope anything to do with cancer. What her treatments were like, how she felt about it, what Ronald MacDonald house was like, if she was postitive, if the treatments were being successful, what the people in christchurch were like, anything really in case of upsetting her, but just the other day i asked her if she was getting beads like the girl on Tv and when she answered i was shocked both by the amount of beads (367ish so far and thats only HALF of what shes COLLECTED ) and that she actually was talking about it . I really admire Hope.
you are the strongest person i know, even in your weakest moments. You've overcome one of lifes most scary threats, and you've kept yourself together through it all . this is kind of a weak ending to the big build up, but either way, you know i admire you so much, for your strenght, your courage and everything you are. You have so much life and your cheesy smile is enough to bring anyones spirits up. you've given inspiration to many people who've read your storys in the paper, and hope to other kids in your ward (im sure) and you've given more meaning to life to mean than i could imagine. Through the years you've been more of a friend than i could ever be to anyone and i wanna thankyou for always being there for the past 12 years we've been friends. Lame ending i know, hehe but just know, i love you, ina friend way. hehe. And theres your blog.

7:33 PM